03 JAN 2017 by ideonexus

 Floor Toys

How utterly we despise the silly little bricks of the toyshops! They are too small to make a decent home for even the poorest lead soldiers, even if there were hundreds of them, and there are never enough, never nearly enough; even if you take one at a time and lay it down and say, "This is a house," even then there are not enough. We see rich people, rich people out of motor cars, rich people beyond the dreams of avarice, going into toyshops and buying these skimpy, sickly, ridiculous pseudo...
Folksonomies: play
Folksonomies: play
  1  notes
28 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 IQ is Malleable

IQ is malleable. IQ has been shown to vary over one’s life span, and it is surprisingly vulnerable to environmental influences. It can change if one is stressed, old, or living in a different culture from the testing majority. A child’s IQ is influenced by his or her family, too. Growing up in the same household tends to increase IQ similarities between siblings, for example. Poor people tend to have significantly lower IQs than rich people. And if you are below a certain income level, ec...
Folksonomies: intelligence iq elasticty
Folksonomies: intelligence iq elasticty
  1  notes

A poor child adopted into a middle-class family will gain 12 to 18 IQ points.